Screen Printed, Float Slim Knit Pullover - Reversed
Screen printed details are bold and flow beautifully along the seam work with semi-circle imprint below the back collar providing depth to the finished article.
(paired with LUC OD Anatomic J-pant)

Screen Printed, Float Slim Knit Pullover
(paired with LUC OD Anatomic J-pant and Layer-0 1.6 boots fabricated from Guidi Calf)

Seismic Overturned Seam Hoodie
The seismic pattern is not only highly favored, but lends itself to accentuate the pattern details providing an exquisite and harmonious contrast.
(paired with Layer-0 treated canvas slim jeans and Layer-0 1.6 boots fabricated from Guidi Calf)

Triangle Shoulder Angora Blend Pullover
(paired with Layer-0 treated canvas slim jeans and Layer-0 1.6 boots fabricated from Guidi Calf)

Recycle Knit Scarf Collar Jacket
A selection of knit fabrics from the LUC archive are hand grafted to a fine jersey creating a "patchwork lining" and becomes a piece that acts as a retrospective to Luca's body of work on the interior.
(paired with LUC OD Anatomic J-pant and Layer-0 1.6 boots fabricated from Guidi Calf)